Preservation of the Mediterranean Monk Seal

Saving one of the world's last monk seal colonies

For more than 7 years, Marineland has supported the conservation efforts on behalf of the Mediterranean Monk Seal. It is one of the most endangered marine mammals on the planet. The largest colony recorded to date lives in Mauritania, at Cap Blanc, and has been protected in the field by the CBD-Habitat Foundation since 2000. 

From an estimated 100 individuals in 1998, the colony now has 330 seals and is growing every year with 80 births.

Protected from fishermen and land-based disturbances, the seals now live in peace in Mauritania's caves and on its beaches.

The monitoring effort is complemented by scientific research based on various tools, such as photo-identification, video-surveillance and GPS.

Ongoing cooperation with the local population and the NGO Annajah strengthens the sustainability of this safeguarding programme (education of the youngest, cooperation with fishermen, communication with the local authorities, etc.).

Photo credit : CBD - Habitat

Photo credit : CBD - Habitat

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