Our Educators

Passionate people!

Around Marineland, you can easily spot them thanks to their yellow polo shirts and their communicative energy during animal presentations and educational activities. They are always available to answer your any questions you may have

And, to make sure that sharing knowledge is always a pleasure, our educators regularly reinvent themselves, enhance their talks with anecdotes gleaned from the animal keepers and, above all, offer you their time for a moment of quality interaction. 

They can't stop talking about the educational, research and  conservation projects carried out by Marineland Animal Park and its Association. They know almost everything about the extraordinary species in the park, including anatomy, social behaviour, reproduction, diet, geographical distribution, threats and conservation status. Of course, they adapt the contents of their presentations to the different ages of the visitors. They also have the role of raising awareness and educating visitors about eco-responsible activities and the protection of the seas and oceans. 

Various projects serving the marine world since 1990

This team of specialists and enthusiasts designs the educational panels found throughout the park and organises customised activities and games for children. They produce information sheets, adapted tools and fun educational workshops to raise awareness amongst the younger generation about the marine world and the protection of the environment.

They also organise conferences for the general public, represent Marineland at events organised by professional associations representing zoological institutions (AFDPZ, CFPZ, EAAM, EAZA, IMATA) and support research and conservation projects.

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